As I walked Amongst the Roses

As I Walked Amongst The Roses
By: Joey Craig

Today, as I walked amongst the roses, I had the chance to stop by one particularly wondrous bush. I stood and stared at its many beautiful rosebuds, admiring its unique character. Suddenly it occurred to me that I was thinking of you, and as I stood there gazing at this thing of beauty before me, I realized that our time together is like a rose garden.

It had all occasion of flowers that it was busy growing. Some were young and innocent, and others old and wise. Some were battered by the wind and the pounding rain, yet had somehow prevailed the storm, and others were lost to mother earth forever. The sturdy yet slender and graceful stems were defiant in their profound beauty and grace. So willfully alluring, yet able to withstand unwanted intrusion due to the thorns that so tactfully anointed them at the points of their utmost vulnerability.

Some of the flowers were plucked from the vine for the sake of someone’s fancy, while others were much too precious in their stature for the selfish enjoYlflent of individuals and remained un-plucked. Others were overprotective and were slightly wilted over time, as they grew outward, sheltering the young. Some had given their all in an endless cycle of hope that will only endure with the constant nurturing of its keepers. Yet all around was the hint of the promise of new life… Of new beginnings… Of a new hope that the best is yet to come.

I always have, and always will think of you as a precious flower. So soft and delicate in your beauty, yet so strong and enduring. Existing off of love from mother earth and giving freely of yourself so that others may take comfort in your warm and kind heart, thereby easing their own struggles for a brief moment, captured, forever in time…

Yes indeed, I thought of you today, As I Walked Amongst The Roses…


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